My Favourite Lip Combos

Hey everyone,
Now, I own quite a few lipsticks, but I seem to wear the same ones over & over... Not that that's a bad thing, but I thought I'd share my two favourites with you girls. I am starting to experiment & wear new ones but these will always be my all time favourites. 

If you've read a few of my posts, you would have noticed I always mention Amorous, it's honestly my absolute fav! I have only just recently picked up a lipliner to go with this lipstick, in my Cambridge haul which you can read here. The lipliner I picked up was MACs pro-longwear lipliner in the colour 'Ms. Diva'. They're literally the most perfect match! I always wear this lip combo if I'm going out, it's my signature party lip. 

My second favourite is MACs 'Whirl' matched with the lipliner 'Spice'. MAC do do a lipliner in Whirl but this always appears to be out of stock, so I settled for second best, but I really love these two together. This combo is more of my everyday lip. It's such a lovely natural brown lip without looking too harsh on my fair skin. This would look even better with a tan in the summer.

I have swatched both of these combo's above. Left: Amorous & Ms. Diva, Right: Whirl & Spice. 
As you can see they're both pretty good matches, I can only imagine MACs lipliner in Whirl will be a tad darker, just to make that difference against the lipstick itself. 

What are your favourite lips combos?
alix ox

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