There are many designer bags I want to own before I die. So I've put together this post of bags I desire but cannot afford.
Coach bags are just gorgeous. I love the elegant crossgrain leather, it gives the bag class. I first fell in love with this bag when I saw it in Elle, and I've been lusting over since. It's available in other colours, but I love this chalky white. It has a removable strap and zipper close. I love the simple design of Coach bags and light gold stamp.
Givenchy - Antigona Sugar Medium Leather Tote in Oxblood £1,465
Holy mother of bags! I absolutely adore this bag. The colour is lighter in real life, but it's a gorgeous shade. I've always love the design of these bags, but when I saw this colour on someone's instagram, I fell in love all over again. Sadly I won't be able to afford one of these bags for a long time, but to own one before I die would be a dream come true.
Givenchy - Antigona Sugar Medium Leather Tote in Oxblood £1,465
Holy mother of bags! I absolutely adore this bag. The colour is lighter in real life, but it's a gorgeous shade. I've always love the design of these bags, but when I saw this colour on someone's instagram, I fell in love all over again. Sadly I won't be able to afford one of these bags for a long time, but to own one before I die would be a dream come true.
Isn't this bag just gorgeous, the design in perfect and so elegant! I love how classic this bag is, and it'll never date. The colour is so pretty, and will go with everything. I just love everything about this bag!
Sorry, my blogger is playing up a bit at the moment so I'm unable to continue this post.. But thanks for reading.
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